Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Drive behind a Traumatized Mind Part 2 "

Continuing on now with the fear/independence issue. How is fear and Independence related?

The amygdala itself is a highly complex collection of nuclei, so it could conceivably support different emotions in different areas -- as it does appear to do in the case of fear & anger

Fear--to be afraid of

Independent--(1) : not subject to control by others

From Merriam-Webster online:

The feeling of being afraid to complete something, to fail, to be looked down upon. Have you ever had these feelings?

The feeling of not being controlled by someone whether they are present or not? I will persist until it gets done and cant look beyond to see if it might hurt me or put me in danger or foresight into maybe there is a different angle to what is perceived. Somewhat like fear and independence are instruments of the animal instinct whereas you have to survive. I don't want to veer to far off onto this road because you can go far with the information, so lets just equal it to fear=confidence=a part of animal instincts. What we have is this::

The central nucleus mediates expression of conditioned fear responses. The "defensive response" to a threatening stimulus consists of elevated heart rate (mediated by the lateral hypothalamus) and a "freeze state" (mediated by the central gray), both of which receive input from the central nucleus of the amygdala. Lesions to the lateral hypothalamus eliminate the effect on heart rate, but not the "freeze state", whereas lesions to the central gray have the opposite effect. Both responses can be evoked by amygdala stimulation. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis mediates the release of pituitary-adrenal stress hormone (Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone, CRH) in response to fear. CRH causes the adrenal gland to release epinephrine & cortisol. Chronic stress causes cortisol-induced release of epinephrine from the locus coeruleus to the amygdala -- creating a vicious cycle.

Now I will continue with the car incident, I worked for days upon days almost eight in fact, never giving relenting only this raw need to complete with no foresee into any other avenue. No insight into danger of any kind my only concern was of failing my family by not getting the car fixed. I felt fear of both failure and 100% independent cant ask for help. What stopped me from getting help, I would have to rely on someone else, the control would be in their corner and I would have no input as to whether the out outcome would be good or bad. My brain reflectively thought negative so the only thing flowing at first was negativity. So my statement at the beginning of this post was, Why is Independence so important to a traumatized mind? Its a controlled reaction our amygdala gets juiced up on sensors whereas in a non traumatized amygdala once the fear stage is proven to not be there then the sensors go back to normal flow, in a traumatized mind though we never make it to the reset phase.

The amygdalae send impulses to the hypothalamus for important activation of the sympathetic nervous system, to the reticular nucleus for increased reflexes, to the nuclei of the trigeminal nerve and facial nerve for facial expressions of fear, and to the ventral tegmental area, locus coeruleus, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for activation of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.[4]
The cortical nucleus is involved in the sense of smell and pheromone-processing. It receives input from the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex. The lateral amygdalae, which send impulses to the rest of the basolateral complexes and to the centromedial nuclei, receive input from the sensory systems. The centromedial nuclei are the main outputs for the basolateral complexes, and are involved in emotional arousal in rats and cats.[4][5]

Let me break it down a little more unscientifically blood flow is restricted to that area of the brain known as the amygdala and thus it does not get what is needed so it doesnt grow.

As this primary sensory input arrives, it is matched against previously stored patterns of activation. If the pattern is unknown, or is associated with previous threat, the brain will activate a set of responses that are designed to help promote survival. (This alarm response is at the heart of the post-traumatic symptoms seen in so many maltreated children.)

So from stored patterns our brain pulls the fear alarm but then the reset button cant be found, so what is the drive behind independence simply put stored patterns from our image files. How can we put new images in and expand our amygdala?(that will be the next part we discuss.)

So when you feel your threat level raised what can you do so you dont go full blown fear driven so you can overcome and not get stuck in the cycle of of past patterns?

This is what I did maybe it can help you. Remembering I am only human if this triggers things and feelings in you reach out to someone for professional help. I had to sit with myself only after getting sick from working on the car. I never truly saw it coming and when it hit I had no idea what had happened, I could make up an excuse for the pain, Oh I pulled to hard, I pushed to hard suck it up, you cant be beat by this......what I had done was ignore the part flaring up so that part stayed in the fear independent mode. My focus was so intense it paralized what I have learned and that was to slow my mind down enough to refocus my focus and see why the fear is active and does it need to be. Sounds simple let me tell you it is not but change can happen new images can implode the old. Meditation works for me psycho therapy works for me find your voice change your amygdala change the patterns you see.

A very good read

One more thing then we will put to close enough information to let sink in. Now for the fourth part of the outline is amydgala can you increase yours?

It seems science has given us a chance to try lets take a look at it. You can try it here is a website with instructions just takes your time.

Focus on the best time you have ever had in your life the got it, now hold that memory for thirty seconds. A researcher named TDA Lingo pinpointed this area of the brain (amygdala) that is the button to push for when you know which one you can self stimulate your brain and increase it. Lingo studied 309 students shen the study was finished the findings were tremendous on the Getezels, Jackson Creativity Index that is imagination was increased between 500 to 1400 %. Back to the best time you have ever had in your life congratulations you have just tickled the amygdala and stimulated growth. I hope you will find a piece of knowledge in this article to take for yourself by stimulating our world one thought at a time we can undo some of the things we have innocently had to struggle through.

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