Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What Is Early Trauma?

It has long been known that nicotine, alcohol, drug use and poor nutrition have traumatic effects on prenates and babies. We are learning that stressful family events, emotional tension and the way routine medical procedures are performed may also have long-lasting traumatic effects. In fact, trauma occurs in many different situations. It can come from something as obvious as being born prematurely or something as subtle as losing a twin in the early stages of fetal development. Early prenatal experiences like a death in the family and not being wanted are significant examples. Likewise, being whisked away from one's parents right after birth can be particularly traumatic, as can interventions like induced labor and birth by caesarian section.The term "birth trauma" specifically refers to adverse experiences one has during birth, but any traumatic events that take place between conception and about the age of three have particular significance in shaping an individual's life.

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